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Our Sexual Harassment Policy is a legal, concise, interactive document that is specifically designed for the restaurant industry.  As opposed to corporate policies that don't relate to restaurant culture, this policy speaks to the people it serves.  It is interactive, and each section requires initialized consent to uphold the standards therein.  We speak to a diverse group of people, to create clear boundaries and staff interaction guidelines, to develop and maintain respectful environments worth offering your best to.


It's not harder working with boundaries, it's easier.  There aren't more problems, there are less.  

Leaders create the standard for their employees, and you want to set a standard of integrity to ensure great success.  Your employees will meet your expectations.  We can facilitate the adaptation of this policy within your existing company.  If you are just in the beginning of your hiring stages, this is an excellent means to hire the right staff.

Highest Good Solution:


Our sexual harassment policy is clear and concise, directed toward restaurant culture, and creates accountability. 


It includes:

  • Onboarding video for new hires to watch (so all manner of learning is engaged). 

  • Clear physical boundaries

  • Instruction on what harassment is, and what is unacceptable.

  • Managerial (and owner) training so that your work environment will not only uphold its legal obligations, it will thrive. 


When you create a respectful, collaborative environment, you interact as a team.  When you interact as a team you can create true success.

We sell our sexual harassment policy along with the trainings, because nothing matters without implementation.  We find that truly valuing the benefits this policy provides to your company, to be the surest way to implement it successfully.  

We fully guarantee you'll be happy with our services (though you must take responsibility for the environment you maintain).  Our short onboarding video will inform each employee of these standards, and clear boundaries - ten minutes to fill out a policy and uplevel everyone's success exponentially.  Our manager (and owner) training will walk you through what your legal obligations are, what upholding this policy means, the affordable potential of having an on-demand HR resource, how to handle employee complaints, but more importantly - what maintaining a respectful environment looks like.  (We daresay the video is inspiring, and interesting.)  More joy and money on the way.  Contact us with any questions - we've got you covered.  We will always work to create the highest good with you.



Our company is dedicated to providing a workplace that is free from sexual harassment. This is to honor the legal rights of our employees, ethical standards, and the integrity of our business.  Our work is based on mutual respect and teamwork.  Sexual harassment is a serious violation of those principles.  We will not tolerate sexual harassment in our workplace, from within our company or amongst our guests or vendors. Read thoroughly and initial to acknowledge your understanding of each statement, and your agreement to uphold these standards. 




No one shall be demeaned or degraded.  We will not tolerate discrimination based on gender identification, disability, sexuality, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age, or creed.  _______


Sexual harassment has many forms of variable seriousness.  We will not tolerate sexual harassment in our workplace in any shape or form.  ________



Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when:


1) An employment decision is made based on the individual submitting to or rejecting the unwelcome conduct; or


2) The unwelcome conduct unreasonably interferes with an individual's ability to work or creates an intimidating, hostile, or abusive work environment.


Certain behaviors, such as conditioning promotions, awards, training or other job benefits upon acceptance of unwelcome actions of a sexual nature, are always wrong.



  • Insinuating, proposing, or demanding sexual favors.  _______

  • Commenting on someone’s looks, dress, sexuality, or gender in a derogatory or objectifying manner that makes them feel uncomfortable.  ______

  • Invading another person’s space. ______

  • Inappropriate touching (i.e. pinching, patting, groping, kissing, grabbing, unnecessarily brushing your body against another employee’s body, etc.) ______

  • Obscene comments, jokes, or gestures that humiliate or offend someone. ______

  • Pursuing another person persistently without the other person’s wiling participation, (interfering in their ability to feel comfortable at work).   ______

  • Jokes about someone else’s sexuality or sexual history.  _______

  • Touching a sexual part of someone else’s body. ________

  • Displaying pictures or video that are demeaning or pornographic. _______




We honor the legal right of each of our employees to physical boundaries.  We uphold the legal standard that no one has the right to touch a sexual part of your body.  Put very clearly, in our work environment it is unacceptable to intentionally touch fellow employees in sexual areas (breasts, butt, crotch).  _______


This is a professionalism issue and an established work standard (though new to restaurants) and we thank you for understanding our need to be clear.  It is not permitted here.  This is to honor and protect you, and everyone we work with.  _______


We fully acknowledge that at times we work in close quarters, and accidents happen.  It’s best to verbally acknowledge it in the moment.  Saying “Pardon!” or anything that acknowledges it wasn’t your intention, upholds a respectful environment.  To be clear –pretending that inappropriate touch is incidental, or accidental, will not be permitted.  ________ 

We encourage a work environment where our team cares about how we impact one another.  Though sexual areas are of course off limits, there are other ways people can feel uncomfortable.  Part of maintaining a respectful environment is communicating with one another, with the expressed intention that it matters how you feel, and how your coworker feels.  If someone on our team feels trespassed on or degraded, it diminishes our team, and is a threat to our company.  If it’s unwanted, it’s harassment.  _______




Sometimes, people who harass others do not realize that their behavior is wrong. We understand this is possible, and that doesn’t make the perpetrator any less responsible for their actions.  We as a team must stay in communication and navigate the respectful boundaries we have listed above.  No one should feel demeaned or trespassed on here, and if it’s happening there is behavior that needs to be changed.  Let them know and ask them to stop. _______


Please do not use this approach (rather, report to the company instead) when:

  • Your manager, an upper manager, vendor or customer is the perpetrator.

  • Sexual harassment goes beyond the boundaries of off-hand comments, flirting or jokes. 



  • Sexual harassment is never to minor to be dealt with.  Any kind of harassment can wear down employees and create a hostile workplace. _______

  • Sexual harassment is about how we make others feel.  Many do not consider behaviors like obscene jokes or comments on another’s sexuality to be sexual harassment, thinking they are too innocent to be labeled that way.  But, if something you do makes your colleagues uncomfortable, you must stop. ________

  • We assume every sexual harassment claim is legitimate unless proven otherwise.  We listen to victims and always conduct our investigations properly.  There is little to nothing to gain in reporting an incident (the opposite is true – it’s further hardship) and we find it incredibly rare that there is not something legitimate to address. _______

  • We will not allow further victimization of harassed employees.  We will not take any adverse action against them.  We recognize the importance of our work atmosphere and honor anyone’s need to address whatever needs to be addressed, in order to maintain respect. _______

  • Those who support or overlook sexual harassment are as much at fault as the offenders.  Managers are especially obliged to prevent sexual harassment, and are instructed to be in open communication with staff about it.  They act when they have suspicions, or receive reports. Letting this behavior go on or encouraging it will bring about disciplinary action.  Anyone who witnesses an incident of sexual harassment or has other kinds of proof should report it. _______



If you are being sexually harassed, we encourage you to inform the offending person that their behavior is unwelcome, offensive, and must stop.   We are a team, and if someone informs you that they feel trespassed on or demeaned in any manner, your behavior must stop. _______


If you do not feel comfortable communicating directly with the offending person, if such communication has been ineffective, or if the severity of the offense necessitates assistance, please report the harassment as soon as you're able. _______


You must communicate with our company to ensure harassment stops (instructions below).  We acknowledge it’s often hard to come forward about these issues, but we need your help to build a fair and safe workplace for you and your colleagues. If you are being harassed (or suspect another person is being harassed) please report it.  In serious cases like sexual assault, please call the police and inform the company.  If you report assault to the police, our company will provide any possible support until the matter is resolved.




  • Inform the manager on duty.  If you are involved in a situation being harassed by a customer, please notify the manager immediately for their intervention.  If there’s an issue with another employee, please inform a manager (or HR) as soon as you’re able.

  • Ask for an urgent meeting with a manager. Once in the meeting, explain the situation in as much detail as possible.  If you have any hard evidence (e.g. texts) bring it with you.

  • Contact HR directly or send your complaint via email (Provide email address or phone number of HR or owner here - whomever is trained and able to be a neutral advocate for your employees) Please attach any evidence or information that can be used in the investigation, and please provide a detailed account of the harassment. HR and your supervisor will discuss the issue and contact you as soon as possible. 



Employees who are found guilty of sexual assault will be terminated after the first complaint and investigation. _______


Depending on the severity of the harassment, anyone found to be greatly contributing to a disrespectful environment is always subject to termination. _______

Employees who are found guilty of sexual harassment (or contributing to a disrespectful environment) the first time may:


  • Be reprimanded.

  • Lose shift(s).

  • Get a “below expectations” performance review.

  • Lose hours or experience a schedule change.


We will terminate repeat offenders if our investigation concludes they are indeed guilty. _______


We apply these disciplinary actions uniformly. Employees of any sexual orientation or other protected characteristics will be penalized the same way for the same offenses.


As a company we must stay in communication with one another, and care about our individual impact on each other.  We believe in the dignity of everyone we work with, and we care about your safety.  Thank you for agreeing to uphold these standards.

Check out these articles on the importance of implementing a sexual harassment policy.
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Our Sexual Harassment Policy is a legal, concise, interactive document that is specifically designed for the restaurant industry.  As opposed to corporate policies that don't relate to restaurant culture, this policy speaks to the people it serves.  It is interactive, and each section requires initialized consent to uphold the standards therein.  We speak to a diverse group of people, to create clear boundaries and staff interaction guidelines, to develop and maintain respectful environments worth offering your best to.


It's not harder working with boundaries, it's easier.  There aren't more problems, there are less.  

Leaders create the standard for their employees, and you want to set a standard of integrity to ensure great success.  Your employees will meet your expectations.  We can facilitate the adaptation of this policy within your existing company.  If you are just in the beginning of your hiring stages, this is an excellent means to hire the right staff.

Highest Good Solution:


Our sexual harassment policy is clear and concise, directed toward restaurant culture, and creates accountability. 


It includes:

  • Onboarding video for new hires to watch (so all manner of learning is engaged). 

  • Clear physical boundaries

  • Instruction on what harassment is, and what is unacceptable.

  • Managerial (and owner) training so that your work environment will not only uphold its legal obligations, it will thrive. 


When you create a respectful, collaborative environment, you interact as a team.  When you interact as a team you can create true success.

We sell our sexual harassment policy along with the trainings, because nothing matters without implementation.  We find that truly valuing the benefits this policy provides to your company, to be the surest way to implement it successfully.  

We fully guarantee you'll be happy with our services (though you must take responsibility for the environment you maintain).  Our short onboarding video will inform each employee of these standards, and clear boundaries - ten minutes to fill out a policy and uplevel everyone's success exponentially.  Our manager (and owner) training will walk you through what your legal obligations are, what upholding this policy means, the affordable potential of having an on-demand HR resource, how to handle employee complaints, but more importantly - what maintaining a respectful environment looks like.  (We daresay the video is inspiring, and interesting.)  More joy and money on the way.  Contact us with any questions - we've got you covered.  We will always work to create the highest good with you.



Our company is dedicated to providing a workplace that is free from sexual harassment. This is to honor the legal rights of our employees, ethical standards, and the integrity of our business.  Our work is based on mutual respect and teamwork.  Sexual harassment is a serious violation of those principles.  We will not tolerate sexual harassment in our workplace, from within our company or amongst our guests or vendors. Read thoroughly and initial to acknowledge your understanding of each statement, and your agreement to uphold these standards. 




No one shall be demeaned or degraded.  We will not tolerate discrimination based on gender identification, disability, sexuality, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age, or creed.  _______


Sexual harassment has many forms of variable seriousness.  We will not tolerate sexual harassment in our workplace in any shape or form.  ________



Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when:


1) An employment decision is made based on the individual submitting to or rejecting the unwelcome conduct; or


2) The unwelcome conduct unreasonably interferes with an individual's ability to work or creates an intimidating, hostile, or abusive work environment.


Certain behaviors, such as conditioning promotions, awards, training or other job benefits upon acceptance of unwelcome actions of a sexual nature, are always wrong.



  • Insinuating, proposing, or demanding sexual favors.  _______

  • Commenting on someone’s looks, dress, sexuality, or gender in a derogatory or objectifying manner that makes them feel uncomfortable.  ______

  • Invading another person’s space. ______

  • Inappropriate touching (i.e. pinching, patting, groping, kissing, grabbing, unnecessarily brushing your body against another employee’s body, etc.) ______

  • Obscene comments, jokes, or gestures that humiliate or offend someone. ______

  • Pursuing another person persistently without the other person’s wiling participation, (interfering in their ability to feel comfortable at work).   ______

  • Jokes about someone else’s sexuality or sexual history.  _______

  • Touching a sexual part of someone else’s body. ________

  • Displaying pictures or video that are demeaning or pornographic. _______




We honor the legal right of each of our employees to physical boundaries.  We uphold the legal standard that no one has the right to touch a sexual part of your body.  Put very clearly, in our work environment it is unacceptable to intentionally touch fellow employees in sexual areas (breasts, butt, crotch).  _______


This is a professionalism issue and an established work standard (though new to restaurants) and we thank you for understanding our need to be clear.  It is not permitted here.  This is to honor and protect you, and everyone we work with.  _______


We fully acknowledge that at times we work in close quarters, and accidents happen.  It’s best to verbally acknowledge it in the moment.  Saying “Pardon!” or anything that acknowledges it wasn’t your intention, upholds a respectful environment.  To be clear –pretending that inappropriate touch is incidental, or accidental, will not be permitted.  ________ 

We encourage a work environment where our team cares about how we impact one another.  Though sexual areas are of course off limits, there are other ways people can feel uncomfortable.  Part of maintaining a respectful environment is communicating with one another, with the expressed intention that it matters how you feel, and how your coworker feels.  If someone on our team feels trespassed on or degraded, it diminishes our team, and is a threat to our company.  If it’s unwanted, it’s harassment.  _______




Sometimes, people who harass others do not realize that their behavior is wrong. We understand this is possible, and that doesn’t make the perpetrator any less responsible for their actions.  We as a team must stay in communication and navigate the respectful boundaries we have listed above.  No one should feel demeaned or trespassed on here, and if it’s happening there is behavior that needs to be changed.  Let them know and ask them to stop. _______


Please do not use this approach (rather, report to the company instead) when:

  • Your manager, an upper manager, vendor or customer is the perpetrator.

  • Sexual harassment goes beyond the boundaries of off-hand comments, flirting or jokes. 



  • Sexual harassment is never to minor to be dealt with.  Any kind of harassment can wear down employees and create a hostile workplace. _______

  • Sexual harassment is about how we make others feel.  Many do not consider behaviors like obscene jokes or comments on another’s sexuality to be sexual harassment, thinking they are too innocent to be labeled that way.  But, if something you do makes your colleagues uncomfortable, you must stop. ________

  • We assume every sexual harassment claim is legitimate unless proven otherwise.  We listen to victims and always conduct our investigations properly.  There is little to nothing to gain in reporting an incident (the opposite is true – it’s further hardship) and we find it incredibly rare that there is not something legitimate to address. _______

  • We will not allow further victimization of harassed employees.  We will not take any adverse action against them.  We recognize the importance of our work atmosphere and honor anyone’s need to address whatever needs to be addressed, in order to maintain respect. _______

  • Those who support or overlook sexual harassment are as much at fault as the offenders.  Managers are especially obliged to prevent sexual harassment, and are instructed to be in open communication with staff about it.  They act when they have suspicions, or receive reports. Letting this behavior go on or encouraging it will bring about disciplinary action.  Anyone who witnesses an incident of sexual harassment or has other kinds of proof should report it. _______



If you are being sexually harassed, we encourage you to inform the offending person that their behavior is unwelcome, offensive, and must stop.   We are a team, and if someone informs you that they feel trespassed on or demeaned in any manner, your behavior must stop. _______


If you do not feel comfortable communicating directly with the offending person, if such communication has been ineffective, or if the severity of the offense necessitates assistance, please report the harassment as soon as you're able. _______


You must communicate with our company to ensure harassment stops (instructions below).  We acknowledge it’s often hard to come forward about these issues, but we need your help to build a fair and safe workplace for you and your colleagues. If you are being harassed (or suspect another person is being harassed) please report it.  In serious cases like sexual assault, please call the police and inform the company.  If you report assault to the police, our company will provide any possible support until the matter is resolved.




  • Inform the manager on duty.  If you are involved in a situation being harassed by a customer, please notify the manager immediately for their intervention.  If there’s an issue with another employee, please inform a manager (or HR) as soon as you’re able.

  • Ask for an urgent meeting with a manager. Once in the meeting, explain the situation in as much detail as possible.  If you have any hard evidence (e.g. texts) bring it with you.

  • Contact HR directly or send your complaint via email (Provide email address or phone number of HR or owner here - whomever is trained and able to be a neutral advocate for your employees) Please attach any evidence or information that can be used in the investigation, and please provide a detailed account of the harassment. HR and your supervisor will discuss the issue and contact you as soon as possible. 



Employees who are found guilty of sexual assault will be terminated after the first complaint and investigation. _______


Depending on the severity of the harassment, anyone found to be greatly contributing to a disrespectful environment is always subject to termination. _______

Employees who are found guilty of sexual harassment (or contributing to a disrespectful environment) the first time may:


  • Be reprimanded.

  • Lose shift(s).

  • Get a “below expectations” performance review.

  • Lose hours or experience a schedule change.


We will terminate repeat offenders if our investigation concludes they are indeed guilty. _______


We apply these disciplinary actions uniformly. Employees of any sexual orientation or other protected characteristics will be penalized the same way for the same offenses.


As a company we must stay in communication with one another, and care about our individual impact on each other.  We believe in the dignity of everyone we work with, and we care about your safety.  Thank you for agreeing to uphold these standards.

Check out these articles on the importance of implementing a sexual harassment policy.


We'll be in touch!  Resources for the highest good on the way . . . 

© 2019  Highest Good Consulting.

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