Most restaurants are designed by people unfamiliar with working in the industry. They are designed for aesthetic, as opposed to profit and practicality. There is a way to design for beauty and functionality. More importantly, there is a flow to service that must be facilitated in order to streamline success.
Do you know the source of your profit?
Very few restaurants are designed to streamline service. Why does this matter? If you put your barwell in a difficult space, or don't size it properly, there is the inevitable effect of greatly slowing down drink delivery, which (aside from food quality) is the number one factor in how guests perceive service. More importantly, it is the number one source of all your profit!! Improper bar/restaurant layouts result in the cumulative loss of huge amounts of revenue, and worse, potentially negative guest experience which damages future revenue. If you've never worked as a server, you don't understand how imperative this is, and you cannot perceive ways to increase the flow of service. If you intend on being successful (and busy!), facilitating efficiency is paramount. This firm doesn't design your restaurant from scratch, we offer KEY imput from a FOH perspective. Not only can this small investment save you thousands of dollars, more broadly, this can be the difference in making your restaurant successful.
Check out this article on the actual effects of poor planning...
Obviously it's great to build it right in the first place, but there are always ways to create greater efficiency and profit!
From looking over your blue print, helping you through the building stages, to tweaking your current space to generate more sales...