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The Thing About Strong Boundaries...
Perhaps you're resisting implementing our sexual harassment policy, and complying with legal standards). It's just so different from...
If You're Going To Do Something, Do It Right.
One of the reasons people resist the idea of physical boundaries in restaurants, is the whole concept of "friendliness." Well gosh a...
The Difference Between Respect and Fear
Many years ago I worked as a server at a very busy restaurant, and had a boss who regularly informed the staff what a horrible job we all...
"No Problem Can Be Solved By The Same Level Of Thinking That Created It." - Albert Einstein
We’ve heard solutions to sexual harassment wherein companies have the women dress like men. Not only is this a completely ineffective...
What really creates harassment and toxic work culture in restaurants? How do we create differently?
In order to address the solution to harassment, we'd like to begin with its cause. Within restaurant culture there exists a pervasive...
"Restaurants are sex and drugs."
I had just mentioned restaurant culture when a man I just met summed it up so bluntly. "Restaurants are sex and drugs." I was taken...
Why Non-Communicative Environments Become Toxic (And How To Move Forward)
When communication, collaboration, and forward movement are inhibited, problems that could easily be solved turn into consistent...
Five Reasons You Need A Collaborative Work Environment In Your Restaurant
The old business model teaches that you manage from the top down. Restaurant owners and managers create policies and business structure,...
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